
criminal abortion 墮胎罪。

criminal act

Attributes some of these demises to abnormal trauma in the case of women workers subjected to heavy labours in the workshop and to marital discipline in the home but by far the vast majority to neglect , private or official , culminating in the exposure of newborn infants , the practice of criminal abortion or in the atrocious crime of infanticide J克羅瑟斯先生議論學學士將嬰兒夭折的一部分原因歸咎于女工在工廠內從事重勞動引起的腹腔部外傷,以及婚后夫妻生活中的節制問題,但絕大多數還是由于在公私兩方面的疏忽。這種疏忽達到極點,便會造成遺棄新生嬰兒墮胎犯罪或殘忍的殺嬰罪。